Do You Have to Sweat for Exercise to Count?
Michelle Young Michelle Young

Do You Have to Sweat for Exercise to Count?

In the journey towards better health and a balanced relationship with food, body and mind, the principles of Intuitive Eating provide a roadmap for many. Principle 9, "Movement – Feel the Difference," plays a crucial role in this journey. However, in the world of diet culture, there exists a common misconception that can hinder our understanding of what constitutes beneficial exercise. While breaking a sweat and feeling like you're on the brink of exhaustion might seem like the only way to reap the rewards of physical activity, the truth is far more liberating.

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The Truth About Feeling Your Fullness
Michelle Young Michelle Young

The Truth About Feeling Your Fullness

Intuitive Eating Principle 6, "Feel Your Fullness," addresses the importance of tuning in to your body's signals and respecting them during meals. However, when you're just starting your intuitive eating journey, it's important to recognize that you are likely still healing from years of dieting and disordered eating. If you've spent a considerable portion of your life denying your hunger or suppressing your body's signals, it's unrealistic to expect yourself to instantly master the art of stopping at comfortable fullness with every meal. In truth, you shouldn't expect that level of perfection early in your intuitive eating journey. There is a vital healing phase that needs to happen first—a phase where you learn to trust your body again, unlearn harmful dieting habits, and rebuild your connection with your body's cues. It's a process that requires patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to embrace the uncertainty that comes with it.

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Myth: I Will Lose Control If I Eat What I Want
Michelle Young Michelle Young

Myth: I Will Lose Control If I Eat What I Want

In a world filled with diets, food rules, and conflicting nutrition advice, it's easy to lose sight of what it means to have an actual healthy relationship with food. There are countless myths and misconceptions about eating, many of which lead us down a path of frustration and self-doubt. That’s why it’s important to shed light on one such myth that has held many people back from pursuing intuitive eating head on. That myth is: "I will lose all self-control if I allow myself to eat whatever I want, whenever I want." This belief often gets stuck in our minds as we make progress towards the principles of Intuitive Eating, particularly Principle 3: Make Peace with Food. But here we're going to put this myth to rest, and we're going to do it with science and compassion. Allowing yourself to eat without guilt or restriction doesn't lead to an uncontrollable spiral of indulgence. Instead, it leads to something called habituation, a process where our psychological and emotional response to frequently repeated foods neutralizes

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The Misconception: IE is Simply “Not Dieting”
Michelle Young Michelle Young

The Misconception: IE is Simply “Not Dieting”

Intuitive eating is often misunderstood as simply "not dieting," but it's a multifaceted self-care philosophy with ten essential principles. Beyond the 10 very well-defined principles, intuitive eating encourages self-awareness of emotions, tuning into your body's signals, embracing joyful movement, fostering body acceptance, and practicing mindful eating. It's a transformative journey that requires self-reflection, education, support, experimentation, and sharing experiences. Intuitive eating is more than abandoning diets; it's an approach to well-being that goes against the familiar “diet culture.”

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How to Let Go of Weight Loss During the Intuitive Eating Process
Michelle Young Michelle Young

How to Let Go of Weight Loss During the Intuitive Eating Process

In a world inundated with narrow beauty standards and weight-centric ideals, redefining what it means to truly care for our bodies becomes an act of rebellion and self-love. This journey is not without its challenges, but it is one that opens the door to a healthier relationship with our bodies and a richer experience of life. Here, we’ll get into the profound ways you can release the grip of the urge to lose weight during your intuitive eating journey, fostering a deep connection with your body and nourishing your spirit. The desire for weight loss is perfectly normal and will not just go away, but embracing the intuitive eating process without this expectation is a transformative journey towards self-acceptance and a much more realistic and satisfying way of life.

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How to Eat Intuitively on a Budget
Michelle Young Michelle Young

How to Eat Intuitively on a Budget

Ever wondered if savoring food without breaking the bank is possible? Intuitive eating brings joy, but it doesn't mean ignoring your budget. Learn how to merge your body's cues and financial realities. Amid challenges, embrace survival, balance, and adaptation. Craft a nourishing week with budget-friendly, flexible meal plans, and recreate restaurant magic at home. Discover the art of prioritizing favorites while saving money and reducing waste. Explore bargain tips for a budget-friendly, flavorful journey into intuitive eating.

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Organic vs. Non-Organic: Which is Better?
Michelle Young Michelle Young

Organic vs. Non-Organic: Which is Better?

Navigating the world of organic food and pesticide residues can be a perplexing journey, with conflicting information and opinions flooding our newsfeeds. The "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean Fifteen" lists released annually by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) attempt to guide us towards making healthier choices, but the debate goes deeper than meets the eye. Are pesticides really harmful, and is organic food truly more nutritious? As we peel back the layers of this complex topic, it becomes evident that the answers aren't always black and white. Here, we'll explore the facts, myths, and everything in between about organic food, pesticides, and their impact on our health. Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery, as we separate the hype from the truth and make informed decisions about the food we put on our plates.

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The Truth About Processed Foods
Michelle Young Michelle Young

The Truth About Processed Foods

In the realm of nutrition, the topic of processed foods sparks intense debates and passionate discussions. With the rise of the "clean eating" fad, it's easy to get caught up in the belief that banishing all processed foods from our lives is the key to a healthy lifestyle. But is it really that simple? Are processed foods truly the villains we've been led to believe? In this blog post, we're here to challenge the conventional thoughts and beliefs and uncover the truth about processed foods. Let's face it—almost everything we eat goes through some degree of processing, undergoing a little makeover before it reaches our plates. However, this doesn't automatically make processed foods detrimental to our well-being. In fact, by completely swearing off processed foods, we may be neglecting the culinary wisdom passed down through generations and sacrificing the convenience that modern society offers in meeting our nutritional needs.

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Beyond Beauty Standards: Cultivating Body Respect
Michelle Young Michelle Young

Beyond Beauty Standards: Cultivating Body Respect

In our diverse society, celebrating the uniqueness of our bodies is crucial. Intuitive Eating emphasizes accepting and respecting our bodies every day, fostering care and motivation for physical health. True health isn't solely about size but encompasses self-care, mental well-being, genetics, and societal influences. Let's challenge unrealistic beauty standards, understand the impact of diet culture, and develop strategies to minimize body checking. By embracing self-compassion, practicing self-care, and seeking support, we can cultivate body respect and foster a positive relationship with our bodies.

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BMI: A Flawed Measure of Health and Source of Stigmatization
Michelle Young Michelle Young

BMI: A Flawed Measure of Health and Source of Stigmatization

BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a measure that has gained widespread use in assessing health and "obesity." However, its history reveals a complex story shaped by various factors. Despite its widespread use, there are several reasons why BMI should not be solely relied upon as a measure of health. These include its original purpose, which was not intended for individual health assessment, its limitations in accounting for diverse populations and body characteristics, and its failure to consider factors like age, sex, body frame, composition, and muscle mass changes.

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Breaking Free: Escaping the Diet Cycle with Intuitive Eating
Michelle Young Michelle Young

Breaking Free: Escaping the Diet Cycle with Intuitive Eating

The diet cycle can be a frustrating and exhausting loop, but understanding why we get stuck in it is the first step towards liberation. Our bodies are wired for survival, and when we restrict or limit food, our biological systems interpret it as starvation, triggering a cascade of responses. Even in today's food-abundant society, our bodies still perceive any form of dieting as deprivation. This blog will delve into the reasons behind our struggles with the diet cycle and provide practical strategies for escaping its clutches. By embracing the principles of Intuitive Eating, you can regain trust in your body's wisdom and create a sustainable, enjoyable approach to nourishment. So, let's embark on this journey towards food freedom and discover the power of Intuitive Eating together.

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The Ultimate Eating Routine for Your Body
Michelle Young Michelle Young

The Ultimate Eating Routine for Your Body

When it comes to fueling your body, consistency should not be overlooked. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of regular eating intervals, the role of carbohydrates as the preferred source of energy, and the significance of honoring your body's hunger cues. We’ll also talk about situations where eating when not technically hungry, may be necessary. By adhering to a regular eating routine, you can experience increased energy levels and enhanced focus throughout the day. So, let's dive in and discover the key to optimizing your body's fuel intake!

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Embracing Carbs: Unleashing the Energy Within!
Michelle Young Michelle Young

Embracing Carbs: Unleashing the Energy Within!

Carbohydrates, or carbs, are the ultimate fuel for our bodies. They come in various forms and play a crucial role in supporting our bodily functions. Despite the stigma perpetuated by diet culture, it's time to set the record straight and celebrate the vital role carbs play in nourishing our bodies. From fighting diseases to promoting digestive health, carbs are our allies in achieving optimal well-being. So, let's embark on a journey of embracing carbs, nourishing ourselves with fiber-rich foods, and experiencing the joy of balanced meals. It's time to unleash the extraordinary power of carbs and unlock a world of vibrant energy and vitality.

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Ozempic: Miracle Drug or Fad in Diet Culture?
Michelle Young Michelle Young

Ozempic: Miracle Drug or Fad in Diet Culture?

In our pursuit of weight loss, the buzz around diabetes drug Ozempic has grown. Social media influencers promote it as a wonder drug, but we must consider its potential side effects and long-term consequences. Originally developed for Type 2 Diabetes, Ozempic has taken on a vanity medication status. Nausea and fatigue are common side effects, but its popularity on platforms like TikTok raises concerns about its true efficacy and impact on diet culture.

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The Hidden Dangers of 'Clean Eating': Why It's Just Another Restrictive Diet
Michelle Young Michelle Young

The Hidden Dangers of 'Clean Eating': Why It's Just Another Restrictive Diet

Clean eating is a dietary approach that has been promoted as the ultimate solution to healthy eating. However, it can actually have negative effects on our physical and mental health. Clean eating is a restrictive diet that promotes strict rules around what foods are considered "clean" or "unclean." It is often difficult to sustain, can lead to food anxiety, and contribute to disordered eating patterns such as orthorexia. To develop a healthy relationship with food, it is important to focus on creating a balanced approach to eating that includes a variety of foods and doesn't involve strict rules or restrictions.

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Breaking the Rules: Can I really eat ANYTHING and not gain weight?
Michelle Young Michelle Young

Breaking the Rules: Can I really eat ANYTHING and not gain weight?

Intuitive eating is the concept of cultivating a wholesome connection with food without giving up your favorite foods. When you allow yourself to eat all foods, weight gain, weight loss, or maintaining weight are the three possible outcomes. Weight gain could indicate that your body needed that weight, while weight loss may happen through intuitive eating but is not the goal. Intuitive eating is not too good to be true, and the fear of gaining weight is legit. However, dieting is not the solution to weight loss, and research indicates that diets do not work and can have negative impacts on mental health. Health is largely influenced by everyday habits and behaviors, and it's possible to maintain good health at any body size.

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Throw Out Your Scale: The Toxic Truth about Weighing Yourself
Michelle Young Michelle Young

Throw Out Your Scale: The Toxic Truth about Weighing Yourself

A good number of people in the non-diet space are all about not weighing themselves because they know how harmful it can be. But the truth is, most people still step on the scale as a part of their normal routine. However, they’re likely doing way more harm than good for their mental and physical health.

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The Hard Facts About “Superfoods”
Michelle Young Michelle Young

The Hard Facts About “Superfoods”

Avocados, acai berries, salmon, kale… we are always hearing about the nutritional benefits of these foods. If fact, we commonly see them labeled as “superfoods.” And although a lot of people have an idea about what these foods bring to the table, I believe these attention-grabbing foods receive way more credit than they deserve by creating unrealistic expectations for perfect health and vitality.

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The New AAP Childhood Obesity Guidelines are Appalling: What you can do to keep your children safe
Michelle Young Michelle Young

The New AAP Childhood Obesity Guidelines are Appalling: What you can do to keep your children safe

According to new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), published in Pediatrics on January 9, pediatric healthcare providers are now advised to provide “immediate, intensive obesity treatment to each patient” as soon as they are diagnosed. The new AAP guidelines on childhood obesity, has updated its previous mandate from one of “watchful waiting,” or delaying treatment to see if the child outgrows obesity. The AAP is now advising pediatricians to “offer treatment options early and at the highest available intensity,” which includes medications and surgery for some young children. This is appalling for a few reasons, including the fact that these children are still growing and developing mentally, emotionally, and physically.

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Ditch Diets and Establish Peace with Food
Michelle Young Michelle Young

Ditch Diets and Establish Peace with Food

If I tell you, “Don’t think about a purple alligator hanging from a trapeze,” what are you going to think about? This is a similar situation when it comes to food. Have you ever obsessed or thought uncontrollably about a particular food, specifically a food that you were restricting? It’s the same thing when you’re on a diet such as a low-carb diet, and all you can think about is bread and pasta. This is the natural reaction that is triggered by the deprivation that diets create. When you severely restrict the amount of food that you allow yourself to have, this sets you up to crave even larger amounts of that food.

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