Freedom From Dieting

If you're ready to transform your relationship with food, mind, and body, you're in the right place. Together, we'll find the perfect path forward towards your goals!

If Diets Were the Answer, They Would Have “Worked” By Now. Instead, Where Have They Gotten You...

  • Experiencing fluctuations in energy levels due to inconsistent dietary habits, impacting productivity and focus at work

  • Feeling frustrated with unsuccessful attempts at maintaining a healthy lifestyle, affecting confidence and self-esteem in professional settings

  • Constantly preoccupied with food choices and their perceived impact on performance, leading to stress and anxiety in career pursuits

  • Avoiding social settings due to dietary restrictions, hindering opportunities for personal and professional growth

  • Struggling to balance career demands with personal health goals, resulting in burnout and decreased job satisfaction

  • Concerned about setting a negative example for children regarding food and body image, seeking guidance to break the cycle and foster a healthier lifestyle

As someone who has personally battled with obsessive eating and dieting, I recognize the obstacles they pose to achieving personal and professional success. Now, I'm committed to guiding others towards food and body freedom, empowering them to pursue their goals with renewed energy and confidence.


FFD Self-Study:

An on-demand program designed to allow you the time and freedom to work at your own pace, while learning the steps to becoming an intuitive “normal” eater.



A 6 week accelerated program designed to get you quick wins so you have the momentum to keep going.



Elevate your experience with three months of personalized one-on-one coaching, with your own personal dietitian with you on your journey to guide you through your unique challenges every step of the way.



Take  your journey to the next level with six months of exclusive one-on-one coaching, meticulously crafted to support you through every twist and turn, ensuring you conquer your challenges and reach your goals with consistent guidance and personalized attention.


Improved relationship with food: Develop a healthier and balanced approach to eating that fits seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.

Freedom from strict diets: Embrace your favorite foods guilt-free, allowing yourself to enjoy them while still advancing your career goals.

Boosted energy levels: Experience sustained vitality throughout the day, enabling you to excel in your professional endeavors.

Enjoyable exercise: Incorporate energizing physical activities into your routine that complement your busy schedule and enhance your professional performance.

Regained confidence: Reclaim your self-assurance and inner strength, propelling you toward greater achievements in your career.

Optimized nutrition: Select nourishing foods that fuel your body for peak performance, optimizing your potential for success.

Self-care and empowerment: Embrace a positive mindset and equip yourself with the tools to confidently plan and prepare nutritious and satisfying meals, empowering you to thrive personally and professionally.

"I’ve been learning Michelle’s methods, and it’s not just the freedom from dieting! It’s loving my body in all its glorious imperfection, and listening to it with love. I’m actually enjoying all the foods I want! Enchiladas, ice cream, whatever"!

- Natalie Schmitz

"Everything just seems to be falling into place. I am not telling myself ‘I must eat everything on my plate’ anymore. I have a clear mind and I get it. I can eat whatever I want and don’t need it all. I haven’t been snacking. My mind is so clear and I crave nutritious foods now. I love the freedom that this is giving me."

- Tracey Dunford

“After years of searching for answers by going to therapy and trying an exhaustive list of diets, I found Michelle. She taught me skill I could use immediately to begin my journey of healing. I'd recommend that anyone who is ready to dig in and do the work to reach out to Michelle!”

- Theresa Waller

Still unsure?

No worries! I completely get it. Investing in yourself can feel scary, but it’s crucial in order to show up for yourself and truly transform. If you are still wondering if this is right for you, let’s chat. Tell me about your concerns and ask any questions you have about getting started.